Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Chilling By The Pool


Sounds funny, no? But these words could and should soon be coming from of your family members in Skilled Nursing Facilities. This form of exercise is steadily making its stand as we speak. It is responsible for many seniors walking, who previously would have been restricted to a walker or worse. With successes in the therapies, pools just may be the next selling point for LCFs and Rehab centers across the nation.

Water aerobics is the use of a mass of water about waist deep, like a pool, to perform exercises that otherwise may be near impossible for some older people to perform. Because of water's properties, body weight could be reduced by as much as 50%, which is substantial for those with walking problems. Arthritis has been reduced and even cured because of it, so why hasn't this been a more widespread treatment? Costs of building and maintaining a pool are outrageous, not to mention the extra staff necessary to ensure the residents don't harm themselves. Still, nothing feels better than a nice refreshing swim/workout, so what are some options that could be safer?

HydroWorx is a company that sells underwater treadmills. These are great because they provide cardio at low impact and "assist residents with gait and balance" (17). The treadmills are placed under about 4 feet of water and allow for a more thorough workout that uses more muscles than regular walking could. Perfect for patients fearful of walking on land, water aerobics has the capability to restore their confidence in themselves and recover back to that powerful walker they once were.

 Works Cited.

Photos are from google's images.

Eichinger, Kim. "Aquatic Therapy." McKnight's Long-Term Care News 33.09 (2012): 17. Print.

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